22 May 2007

Dado - the first kiss

It’s almost two months since I start receiving very short emails from someone under her name. They are almost same – I love you, I miss you, talk to me…and so on. I do not understand that person. You must be very sick to enjoy something like that.
A few weeks ago were our “fifth anniversary”, anniversary of our first kiss.
We were supposed to go on a picnic on Saturday morning, two days after we chat for the first time. I was waiting for her to come by and pick me up around 10. It was almost 11 when I heard nocking on my door. I knew who is nocking. She was pure smile. I invited her in but she did not want to come in, so I took my blanket, I have prepared a long time ago and the book I was reading at the moment. We went toward her car not talking at all, just smiling to each other. I was like a school boy on his first date, not knowing what to do, not knowing what to say but extremely happy to be with her. She did not hide her happiness too.We diced to spend some time in the park, near the river, not far from the place I used to live. I knew that park very well, because I went there quite often and usually there are not many people at that time of the day. I hoped she will like the place. It was nice sunny day, very warm for the beginning of May. After short walk we found the place and she spread the blanket. I set next to her and looking in her eyes I said to myself – For a long time I wanted this to happen. She blushed… and I said – I am sorry, I did won’t make you uncomfortable. I did not realise for the moment what I said, but than we started laughing. We were again talking about everything; life, love, politics, religion, everything under the sun, occasionally looking in some newsmagazines she had with. The time went on, and I am not sure how much time passed, probably a hour or two before I took her hand. She did not mind. We were seating like that for a minute, silent and than I leaned toward her and give her a kiss. I know she closed her eyes, and I did. The world was mine. I can’t forget that moment. I am not good writer and I will never be. I have no skills to describe the joy and fulfilling of the moment but as I said – I will carry that moment for ever.
Next post – Friday/Saturday

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.